珠海希尔顿酒店位于湾仔海滨并与澳门隔水相望,毗邻澳门关口、港珠澳大桥、珠海国际会展中心和珠海长隆国际海洋度假区,交通条件优越。距离珠海湾仔旅游码头(澳门环岛游)仅0.5公里,距离高铁珠海站仅6.5公里,距离珠海金湾机场38公里。 酒店由全球闻名的CCD香港郑中设计事务所设计,28层高并拥有274间宽敞奢适的现代化客房,包含21个精致的套房,透过卧室全景落地窗可以尽享城市或濠江的美景。所有客房均配备完善的现代化设备,55寸高清电视、高端全自动智能马桶、独立的热带雨林花洒及铸铁搪瓷浴缸等设施设备。 在珠海希尔顿酒店,中餐厅的传统粤式菜肴,全日制餐厅汇集众多国家菜肴,更有屋顶酒吧的别致环境,可在享受正餐美食美酒的同时欣赏濠江美景。国际化的厨师团队秉承选用当季新鲜食材,配以精湛的烹饪手法,各式中西菜肴以满足客人不同的味蕾需求。还可以体验珠海市极具特色饮食文化街——湾仔海鲜街,距离酒店咫尺之遥。 超过900平方米的会议和活动空间,包括8米层高宴会厅以及户外场地,适合灵活举办10至300人不等规模的活动,无论是小型私密聚会或派对,还是精致婚庆或高端会议,珠海希尔顿酒店均能满足您的需求,无微不至的服务团队诚挚地将每个细节做到尽善尽美。 Hotel situated along the waterfront in Wanzai and overlooking the Macau skyline, will offer travelers the convenience of being close to Macau Port, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, Zhuhai International Convention & Exhibition Center and Hengqin Chimelong Theme Park. It is about 0.5 km away from Wanzai Port (Wanzai Travel Terminal of Zhuhai), 6.5 km away from Zhuhai High-speed Train Station and 38 km away from Zhuhai Airport. Hotel is designed by renowned firm CCD. The 28-story hotel and combining gracious service with 274 generously sized contemporary guestrooms, including 21 exquisite suites. Floor-to-ceiling windows offering commanding high-rise city or Macau sea view from bedroom. Enjoy your favorite shows on our 55 inches TV, Intelligent Closestool, have a relaxing shower under the Rain Forest Shower and the Cast Iron Enameled Bathtub. At Hilton Zhuhai, treat your taste buds to decadent dining experiences that embody international cuisine. An abundance of local and worldly culinary experiences await at four destination restaurants and bars. Guests can savor Cantonese’s and Teochew’s legendary cuisine at Chinese restaurant, and a rooftop bar with fantastic sea view of Macau, prepared by brilliant local chefs. You can also experience the Wanzai Seafood Street, which is a famous Seafood Street in Zhuhai and is near our hotel. More than 900 square meters of meeting and event space, including an Ballroom with an eight-meter-high ceiling, can be divided into two banquet halls, and outdoor space to accommodate from 10 to 300 guests. It’s an ideal place to plan a romantic wedding or outdoor activities. Whether you are holding a conference, meeting or celebrating a social event, we always offer the guests a suitably unforgettable experience.