§ Conducts dailypre-shift briefings to employees on room occupancy, arrival and departures, functions/event and special attention that is needed.
§ Liaises withHousekeeping and other related departments on daily operations.
§ Handles guestenquiries in a courteous and efficient manner and reports guest complaints orproblems to Front Office Manager for necessary action and assure follow up withguests.
§ Establishes a rapportwith guests, maintaining good customer relationship.
§ Ensures that thecashiering procedures are strictly adhered to and that all floats are usedappropriately in accordance to Policies & Procedures set by the Hotel andpersonnel with access to floats comply with internal Policies & Proceduresestablished by Finance.
§ Coordinates all Repairand Maintenance and issues repair and maintenance job orders to ensure propermaintenance.
§ To exercise initiativeand resourcefulness in all aspects of group handling and to co-ordinate andco-operate with Sales, Rooms and F&B departments in all arrangements.
§ To promote and securebusiness for our hotel, special events, promotions, Outlets and other business.
§ To exemplify andinstil upon the employee entrepreneurship/ ownership and a sales attitude tomaintain awareness of all sales opportunities within the Hotel.
§ To ensure that allstaff is constantly updated on accurate information about the Hotel and allsister properties, their services/ promotions and facilities in order to crosssell the Hotels.
§ Delegatesappropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourcefulemployees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operationand safety are maintained.
§ Ensures all employees maintainan up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policychanges and appropriate internal communication.
酒店坐落于武汉市珞喻路与喻家湖交汇处,东湖新技术开发区。毗邻风景如画的东湖和马鞍山国家森林公园,接壤著名学府华中科技大学。酒店秉承让客人独享“雕琢奢华”的理念,将度假胜地的气息巧妙地融入于当代都会空间中,形成低调奢华和内敛雅致的独特气质。现代简洁与复古深沉相互融合,居家般温馨氛围的感官体验,湖光山色美景的开阔视野,让宾客沉浸在个人专属奢华所带来的全新感受中。我们的理念我们相信客人选择凯悦酒店是因为凯悦员工——是凯悦员工细致周到、体贴入微的服务让客人在凯悦酒店的经历美好而难忘。因此,员工是我们成功的关键,以人为本是我们坚信不移的理念。酒店将为每一员工提供充分的培训发展机会,以及具有竞争力的薪酬福利。面试时间:每周一至周五 早9:00-16:30请提前预约面试时间,我们诚挚邀请您的加入!请携身份证、1寸彩色近照、相关资质证书经由酒店大门到1楼人力资源部参加面试。欢迎浏览武汉光谷凯悦酒店主页wuhanopticsvalley.regency.hyatt.com了解更多的酒店信息。欢迎登录凯悦酒店集团招聘网站http://hyatt.jobs,建立您的个人账户,以获悉更多的职位信息。