Ensures that the workplace remains clean and the safety of consumable goods by always respecting HACCP regulations. 始终遵守HACCP的要求,确保工作场所保持清洁和食品安全。
Is actively involved in meeting the department's targets:
- By following the cooking instructions to the letter.
- By avoiding waste and loss of food items.
- By respecting the procedures and internal audits applicable in the hotel.
Helps conduct inventories.
· Helps subordinate develop their skills to the best of their abilityand provides support for career development.
· Vocational certificate or diploma in professionalcuisine
· 2 to 3 years of experience
· Acknowledged managerial skills
· Perfect knowledge of HACCP guidelines
· Computer literate in the Windows environment
· Languages: fluent in the national language, knowledge ofEnglish
The Pullman Kaifeng Jianye is a lake setting city resort with 186 rooms, including 2 stylish restaurants, 1 lobby lounge, café & bar, 1 ballroom with 1000sqm, 4 meeting rooms, fitness center, SPA, indoor swimming pool. The hotel is strategically located in the old town within the Ancient City Wall, and close to the well-known Millennium City Park. Kaifeng is 60km from Zhengzhou and 45km from the Zhengzhou Airport. Pullman Kaifeng Jianye is scheduled to open in Oct 2015.开封建业铂尔曼酒店是一家园林湖景度假型酒店,拥有186间客房,2个时尚餐厅,1个大堂吧,1个酒吧,1个1000平方米的宴会厅,4个会议室,健身中心,水疗中心和室内游泳馆。酒店地理位置优越,坐落于古城墙内,毗邻著名景点清明上河园。距离省会郑州60公里,距离新郑国际机场仅需45分钟的车程。开封建业铂尔曼酒店预计2015年10月份盛大开幕。“Your smile, Your future”, in Pullman hotels, our top priority is to put a smile on our customers’ and associates’ faces every day. We always believe that it is our associates who make us succeed. So we’ll do our best to create a better and better atmosphere to learn and grow, to build a stage for our associates to show their talents. We would like to invite you to join us to develop your career with us. Your smile, your future!铂尔曼提倡“笑拥未来”,让我们的客人和员工脸上每一天都洋溢着微笑是我们的首要任务。我们深信员工才是酒店获得成功的关键,我们不断地努力为员工创造良好的工作和学习环境,为每一位员工创造舞台来施展各自的才华。我们诚邀热爱酒店行业的您加入开封建业铂尔曼酒店与我们一起笑拥未来。我们为您提供:1、具有竞争力的薪资2、免费的员工餐厅、一日四餐3、免费的员工宿舍、步行仅需三分钟4、每周双休、享受国家法定节假日及带薪年假5、入职缴纳五险一金6、享受雅高全球酒店员工价及建业员工价住房用餐7、丰富多彩的员工活动8、雅高全球旗下酒店内部调动及职业发展机会