Assist in carrying out various activities of Human Resources Department.
Assist in the management of staff dormitory affairs.
Staff recruitment and interview invitation.
Assist in completing various reports of Human Resources department.
As one of ten award-winning brands under the Banyan Tree Group, Angsana ( brings the adventure back into travel, whatever your age or reason to visit. Intertwining local chic and a vibrant, fun-filled atmosphere, Angsana offers amazing destination playgrounds across the world. Each hotel is uniquely designed to provide spacious, stylish rooms and suites, perfect for couples, families and groups of friends.作为悦榕集团旗下十个屡获殊荣的品牌之一,无论您的年龄大小、旅行目的如何,悦椿度假村(都将为旅行增添探险趣味。融合了当地时尚与充满活力、乐趣的氛围,悦椿度假村在全球各地打造一处处充满惊喜的享乐目的地。不论是情侣出行、阖家同游或者好友相聚,都能在品牌旗下风格独特的酒店及宽敞、时尚又舒适的客房或套房中,找到专属的度假空间。 The concept of architectural design comes from traditional folk house in West Sichuan. The combination of grey tile, wood and plank, gives you a beautiful external appearance of building, and an ancient, steady feeling. Walking in the hotel just like walking in one handscroll of painting, as if entering the fairyland.成都温江悦椿酒店以传统川西民居为设计灵感,在建筑元素上选取斜屋顶、青瓦、原木构架、竹编等在地特色,色调古朴自然、浑然一体,带有浓郁的成都原乡韵味。在空间布局上如同卷轴画一般,随着路径的深入徐徐展开,起承转合,有门、有巷、有院、有墙、有廊 ,游览其中,体会曲径通幽宁静舒适。 The hotel has 8 luxury room clusters and 6 outdoor theme functional areas, including 153 luxury courtyard rooms, 322 square meters banquet hall, Children playground, Animal Zoo, Kid‘s Slides, Fun Park, Natural beautiful landscape and a multi-functional flower room providing for our in-house guests with a "vitality" sample of Chengdu's dynamic life.酒店布局8大豪华客房组团和6大户外主题功能区,囊括153间豪华庭院房、322平米宴会厅, 萌宠乐园、动物园、泵道、无动力乐园、阳光草坪、多功能花房等多重空间,为顾客提供“生活力+N”的成都活力生活样本。 Contact 联系人:Mia ChenContact No. 联系电话: 028-60368888Mailbox招聘邮箱: Recruitmet-chengdu@angsana.comWelcome to join Angsana Chengdu Wenjiang. Discover and create your future with Banyan Tree.欢迎加入成都温江悦椿酒店,在悦榕发现并创造您的未来!