1. Execute all assigned tasks as directed and delegated from Chinese Head Chef.
2. Supervises preparation shift operations and ensures compliance with all Food & Beverage policies, standards and procedures.
3. Recognizes superior quality products, presentations and flavor.
4. Maintains food preparation handling and correct storage standards.
5. Maintains purchasing, receiving and food storage standards.
6. Ensures compliance with all local, state and federal (Health Department) regulations.
7. Supports procedures for food & beverage portion and waste controls.
8. Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products.
9. Knows and makes sense Marriott's 46 Points of Hygiene and Safety Standards is implemented and followed.
10. Operates and maintains all department equipment and reports malfunctions.
11. Effectively investigates, reports and follows-up on associate accidents.
12. To be responsible for asset management of all outlet property and facilities.
作为亚太区最大规模的万豪品牌旗舰酒店,上海雅居乐万豪酒店于2011年11月24日正式开业;于2021年12月28日正式升级为上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店。傲立于繁华的城市中心,位于西藏中路,毗邻人民广场和人民公园,与各个最佳的文化、娱乐和购物场所近在咫尺。信步可至南京路步行街、人民公园和外滩以及人民广场地铁站(地铁1、2、8号线的交汇站)。 上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店拥有720间客房,在39层楼高的酒店里,宾客们还可以享受到来自5个不同餐厅的各式美味。酒店六楼设有一个豪华水疗中心,同时配备7个私密理疗室,让宾客们的身心得到放松和享受。酒店还提供25米长的室内游泳池,其中按摩池,蒸汽房和桑拿尽在设施齐全的健身房内,让宾客们荡漾在无限的愉悦和享受中。 我们将继续秉承万豪公司的核心文化,”照顾好我们的同事,同事便会照顾好我们的客人”。我们是谙熟待客之道的大师,并对此深感自豪。我们技艺娴熟,富于想象,为每位客人创造独特而难忘的体验。我们不懈追求卓越,恪守品牌创始人“以人为本”之训言,并将其升华为一门艺术。我们承诺将提供广阔的事业发展机会和全方位的培训系统,诚挚期待您的加入。每周二下午14:00-16:00为酒店公开招聘日联系电话:021-23129888-6605电子邮箱:mhrs.shamc.hr@marriott.com地址:上海市黄浦区西藏中路555号 人力资源部 (酒店B1员工通道进入) Construction of the largest full-service Marriott-branded flagship hotel in Asia- Pacific, Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre opened its doors on 24 November, 2011;It was officially upgraded to Shanghai Marriott Marquis City Centre on December 28, 2021. Located aside People's Square and Park on Xi Zang Middle Road, the Shanghai Marriott Marquis City Centre boasts a premium downtown location and provides effortless access to the city’s finest cultural, entertainment and shopping attractions. Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, People’s Park and the Bund, plus the People’s Square metro hub (connecting lines 1, 2 and 8) are all within close walking distance. Besides 720 bedrooms, we offer our guests five different dining options varying from fine dining to alfresco inside the 39-storey sleek glass and steel structure. Level 6 includes a luxurious Spa focused on providing superior body and beauty rituals within seven treatment rooms. Fitness enthusiasts enjoy a 25 meter indoor swimming pool with Jacuzzi, Steam and Sauna as well as an extensive cardiovascular gymnasium. The Brilliant Hosts of Marriott Marquis City Centre are devoted to play forward the company culture of Marriott International, "Take care of our associates; and our associates will take care of our guests.” We are proud masters of our craft. With skill and imagination, we create memorable experiences unique to each guest. Relentless in our pursuit of excellence, we live our Brand Founder’s words “put people first” and raise it to an art form. We are committed to providing you tremendous job opportunities and systematic training programs to strengthen your career development. Warmly welcome you to join us.