Deposits payments and ensures adequate supplyof house funds and small changes for all Cashiers.
Collects, with an assigned witness, allCashiers’ remittance envelopes from the drop-safe and to verify them againstthe Cashiers’ daily witness sheet.
Counts, together with the witness, cash, checksand credit card vouchers and summarises them to theGeneral Cashiers’ report daily.
Secures approval from the Director of Financeor Assistant Director of Finance to update foreign exchange rates at the FrontOffice according to daily bank information.
Adds and balances house bank on a daily basis
Prepares the General Cashier’s Daily Report byentering the day’s detailed cash collections and all terms of payments receivedfor review and completion by both Accounts Clerk and Assistant Director ofFinance.
监督并跟进所有借条 / 借据,并确保他们在规定期限之内得到清付。
Monitors and follows up on all IOU requests andensure that they are cleared within the stipulated date.
Ensures that all hotel, company and localrules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, moneyhandling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accuratereporting of financial information.
Assists in the inventory management and ongoingmaintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.
Manages costs proactively based on keyperformance indicators, works with the respective Heads of Department asappropriate.
柏悦 - Park Hyatt,是凯悦酒店集团旗下最极致奢华的精品酒店,提供由心的个性化服务和与众不同的私人氛围。柏悦针对追求高品位和奢华享受的客户,其典雅的设计、有格调的装修风格,给客户体验提供前所未有的体验。在全球的柏悦酒店当中,没有两家柏悦酒店是一样的。每一家柏悦酒店各自拥有其独特的外表及魅力,均以制造难忘的体验为目标。广州柏悦酒店坐落于鸟瞰城市新核心及中央商务区的富力盈凯广场53层之上,尽揽羊城醉人美景,为城市的风景线徒添华丽之魅。毗邻历史悠久的珠江河畔,酒店置于珠江新城中最优越地段,与广州塔、广州歌剧院及独具魅力的花城广场并美为邻。酒店交通便利,与白云国际机场距离40公里,与广州东站相距不过3公里。专为品味不凡的旅者而设,广州柏悦酒店将会成为最受欢迎的私人府邸,融合奢华设备及时尚设施,这里定将成为广州的新焦点。酒店拥有206间宽敞奢适的现代化客房,包括35间套房,将在日新月异的城市中为您营造温暖如初的惬意居所。顶层各种卓越精美的饮食静候您的光临,包括一间市内最高的露天屋顶酒吧,其180度观景视角可尽享城市和珠江壮丽景色。别具匠心的菜肴采用最新鲜的当季食材,以国际和中国南方菜系为主,细心呵护客人的百变味蕾。享受身心放松的专属水疗、畅游市区最高的25米室内泳池、体验最先进的健身设施,让您全方位领略健康惬意的休闲之选。