Scope of Position
The Commis is responsible to produce food and fulfill kitchen duties as instructed by the Sous Chef or Chef de Cuisine in a specific kitchen or outlet.
Maintain clear communications with the Sous Chef or Chef de Cuisine, including all relative internal communications, and to relay all guest comments both positive and negative.
Maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental/hotel policies and procedures.
To produce consistently high quality food production and presentation, always meeting agreed standards.
He is to ensure a positive & professional working environment throughout the kitchens.
Ensure that agreed food hygiene, licensing and safety standards are upheld or surpassed, at all times.
Abide by all rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the hotel.
Ensure the effective Inter kitchen and inter departmental communications are conducted in professional manner
Ensure that his designated area of the kitchen is set up and closed according to Standard Operating Procedures, including correct storage of all foods and meeting hotel Standards.Requirements
minimum high school, tourism school or culinary school certification
able to physical work
Able to work flexible schedules
Team player
Ability in fast pace environment
- 厨师负责烹饪食物和所在厨房的厨师长或副厨师长分配的其他任务。
- 保持与厨师长或副厨师长良好的沟通,及时传达内部及顾客的意见和建议。
- 了解并遵守酒店或部门各项规定和程序。
- 负责烹饪,保证菜品的色、香、味、形,达到要求的标准。
- 确保厨师在一个积极和专业的工作环境中工作。
- 保证食品的卫生、许可及安全标准是被了解并认同的。
- 遵守酒店各项规章制度及程序。
- 确保所在厨房及部门内的良好沟通。
- 确保所在厨房指定的区域按照标准操作程序装备及收档, 包括所有食品的正确保存同时达到酒店标准。
- 持有高中、旅游或烹饪学校证书以上
- 能胜任本职工作
- 能够适应不同班次
- 具备团队合作精神
- 能够适应快节奏的工作环境
上海浦东文华东方酒店之旅文华东方作为一家屡获殊荣的酒店集团,在一些全球最受欢迎的目的地拥有并经营奢华酒店及酒店管理式住宅。每一家文华东方酒店都定位当地市场的领导者,在传递当代奢华及体现各地特色的同时,反应出集团东方色彩的传统。上海浦东文华东方酒店位于黄浦江畔,酒店备受瞩目,是文华东方酒店集团在中国的经济之都开设的第一家豪华酒店。酒店座落在浦东的心脏地带,陆家嘴金融贸易区内摩天大厦之中,紧邻中信泰富的陆家嘴滨江金融城标志性的建筑浦江双辉大厦;文华东方以其传奇式服务和彰显当代建筑设计格调的酒店建筑群,让我们宾客独享尊贵的入住体验。我们能够为您提供:具有极大市场竞争力的薪酬待遇。节日福利、年终奖金等丰富的福利待遇。提供免费员工餐厅四餐,为员工配备完善的四人间宿舍,拎包入住即可。入职享有五险一金的正规社保。加入文华东方,享受全年至少10天年假。享受全球文华东方酒店超值员工折扣价。完善的国际化培训体系帮您更好更快速地成长。文华东方集团全球酒店间的交流学习及内部调转机会。丰富多样的员工活动。人才及文化部接待时间时间:每周一至周五 上午9点至下午6点地点:浦东南路111号人才及文化部(LG1地下二层)