太原JW万豪酒店位于太原市腹地中心,矗立于热闹的亲贤商业圈,坐拥茂业天地, 集休闲娱乐购物为一体,成为城市潮流时尚达人聚集的潮流街区;周边交通便捷通畅,距离太原武宿国际机场仅20分钟车程,距离太原南站仅15分钟车程。JW Marriot Taiyuan is in Maoye Plaza, which is located in the prosperous business hub at the centre of Taiyuan. Maoye Plaza provides multiple services, including leisure, entertainment and shopping. It has become a very popular location for people pursuing a modern lifestyle to meet together. JW万豪酒店及度假村是万豪国际集团旗下备受瞩目的豪华酒店品牌之一,于全球各地的度假城市及顶尖度假胜地拥有众多美轮美奂的物业。简约高贵的酒店环境,为一众品味卓越而自信的杰出精英打造所需所想的理想空间,让他们在简单率性的写意氛围下,低调地享受恬静高尚的住宿地道体验。JW万豪酒店为客人提供细意雕琢且恰到好处的住宿服务,让他们精神充沛而挥洒自如地去处理重要事务。现时,集团有超过100多家JW万豪酒店,遍及30多个国家。查询详情,请浏览jwmarriott.com。JW Marriott is part of Marriott International’s luxury portfolio and consists of beautiful properties in gateway cities and distinctive resort locations around the world. These elegant hotels cater to today’s sophisticated, self-assured travelers, offering them the quiet luxury they seek in a warmly authentic, relaxed atmosphere lacking in pretense. JW Marriott properties artfully provide highly crafted, anticipatory experiences that are reflective of their locale so that their guests have the time to focus on what is most important to them. Currently, there are more than 100 JW Marriott hotels in over 35 countries. For more information, please visit jwmarriott.com. 万豪国际(纳斯达克股票代码:MAR)集团总部位于美国马里兰州贝塞斯达,在133个国家和地区拥有超过7,600家酒店,包括直接经营酒店、特许经营酒店和授权分时度假酒店,并拥有30个酒店品牌。万豪国际集团运营屡获殊荣的旅行计划——万豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy)。垂询更多信息,请访问官网www.marriott.com。如需随时掌握万豪国际最新动态,可访问网上新闻中心www.marriottnewscenter.com,或在社交媒体上关注@MarriottIntl。MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 7,600 properties under 30 leading brands spanning 133 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company offers Marriott Bonvoy, its highly-awarded travel program. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram.