1.Plans and implements hotel’s Marketing Communications policies and procedures.
2.Directs press relations including preparation of news releases and feature articles, making arrangements for interviews and photo and video shootings between company and press, radio, and television representatives.
3.Provides assistance to hotel personnel in writing speeches, preparing letters and drafting articles that are to be made public.
4.Advises on the preparation and presentation of product shows, displays and exhibits.
5.Coordinates with marketing and advertising personnel the advertising and sales promotion material with public relations objectives.
6. Advises management on community relations’ projects and activities.
7.Assists with the development and maintenance of a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflects Policies & Procedures, work processes and standards of performance within the Division. Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes.
8.Assists with the preparation of the annual Marketing Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectives fully address business objectives of the hotel and needs of employees.
9.Assists with the preparation and regular update of the Communications Departmental Budget, in close cooperation with the Director of Sales, ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled.
重庆富力凯悦酒店坐落于重庆现代繁华的观音桥商圈。与地标性建筑北城天街购物广场、富力海洋广场、海洋国际写字楼毗邻,是集办公、商业、餐饮和娱乐为一体的新兴综合体。 酒店交通便利,毗邻重庆新国际博览中心及三大新兴工业园区。 整栋28层的建筑由总部位于美国芝加哥的世界著名建筑设计公司GP设计,整合了功能、技术、经济、美学四个因素;现代风格的设计使酒店与周边环境完美衔接,保持了建筑简洁风格的同时,又着重于建筑的现代感与延伸感。酒店的内部环境设计出自于专为奢华品牌酒店提供经典设计服务的HBA公司之手,HBA一直以其在酒店设计行业内的资深经验和品位独到的旅客体验为设计主导,为重庆富力凯悦酒店设计出荟萃世界品牌的购物中心,既满足了世界各地成功人士的商务需求,又为各地游客提供方便快捷的休闲购物服务。 酒店拥有315间宽敞舒适的客房,设计时尚典雅,每一间均有超大落地玻璃窗,住客在闲暇之余,可以从各个角度欣赏重庆错落有致的山城风光。独具特色的餐厅及酒廊为客人提供凯悦久负盛名的正宗美食及亲切舒适的就餐环境。配备先进设备的健身中心及静谧舒缓的“衡”水疗是客人在旅途之余舒缓身心、放松心情的理想场所。 占地1870平方米的专属宴会及会议设施,是宾客举办高端会务、会议、婚宴及社交聚会的首选场所。面积达780平方米、挑高6.7米的无柱大宴会厅,俯览北城天街的繁华风貌, 370平方米的北城宴会厅,可根据客人的需求灵活分割为两间多功能厅,另有8间面积由54平方米到120平方米的多功能会议厅,为承办小型及私密活动,举办各类会议提供更多选择。 重庆富力凯悦酒店,开启您的探索之旅!