Char牛扒房经理 Operation Manager Char & Char Bar
发布于 01-17
Char牛扒房经理 Operation Manager Char & Char Bar
北京-朝阳区 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招1人

Michelin/Black Pearl restaurant working experience


 Ensures that the monthly forecast of food andbeverage revenue, cost and expense figures are achieved. 保证每月的食品以及酒水的花费成本及收支达到预定指标。

Strictly adhere to the established operatingbudget and ensure that all costs are controlled. 严格坚持制定营运预算并控制所有的花销。

 Manages the outlet as a separate profit centre,assuming responsibility for all revenues and expenses. 将本部门作为独立的赢利中心,有责任设定所有的收入和支出预算。

Ensures table reservations are taken properly inorder to maximize the bar turnover. 保证有充足的预订以达到餐厅最大量的运转。

Plans and organizes festive and seasonalfood/beverage promotions within the outlet. 在部门内部计划并组织节日性和季节性的餐饮销售活动。

Develops and implements Promotions Calendar forF&B products in restaurant 制定餐厅中可发展并执行针对餐饮部产品的销售日程

Up-sells property facilities全面销售产品

Actively pursues cost saving measures 积极控制成本的额度。

Liaiseswith Sales Manager during tender process to obtain new accounts; Food andBeverage specific 在计划期需要达到新的销售指标时, 与销售经理联系餐饮细节

Analysesfood and beverage statistics through point of sale system 在销售体系中分析并统计食品及酒水的情况。

Participatesin the formulation of the Annual Marketing Plan, to establish a list ofmarketing activities in line with the compilation of the Annual Business Plan. 参与制定年度销售计划,制定符合年度经营计划的销售活动计划。

To maintain abreakage prevention program designed to minimize breakage of operatingequipment, and to liaise directly with the Chief Steward and recommend changesto policies or procedures.设计一个破损的计划,将经营用具的损失减少到最小;和管事部负责人保持联系;对经营方针和程序提出改进措施

Trainingstaff correct carry chinaware and glassware,controlbreakage培训员工正确运输瓷器和玻璃器皿,控制破损

Assignedpeople in charge of ff&e, inventory scheduled,reducelost  专人管理,定时盘点,减少流失


Manageday-to-day staffing requirements, plan and assign work, and establishperformance and development goals for team members. Provide mentoring, coachingand regular feedback to help manage conflict and improve team memberperformance. 处理员工日常事务,计划并分配工作,为每个员工设定工作绩效目标。为员工提供教导、辅导并给予定期反馈,协助解决各种员工矛盾,提高员工绩效。

Educate and train team members in compliance with federal, state andlocal laws and safety regulations. Ensure staff is properly trained and has thetools and equipment to carry out job duties. 对全体员工实施教育与培训,确保所有工作符合国家、各省市与地方的法律和安全法规。确保为员工提供适当的培训,保证为他们配备完成工作所需的各种工具和设备。

Ensurestaff is properly trained on systems, security and cash handling procedures,and service and quality standards. 确保员工获得与操作系统、安全、现金处理流程、服务和标准有关的恰当培训。

 Identifiestraining needs and plan training programs for the associates. 确定培训需要并计划培训内容。

 Conductstraining for the associates in accordance with the Annual Training Plan inorder that associates have necessary skills to perform their duties.按照年度培训计划参与指导培训, 以保证所有员工具备相应的服务技能。

Liaisesand inform the Food and Beverage Department and Human Resources Department ofall training session 所有培训都需要联系并通知餐饮以及人力资源部门

Developsdepartmental trainers and assign training responsibilities. 发展部门培训师并分配培训任务。

Assistsin the training of the associates ensuring that they have the necessary skillto perform their duties with maximum efficiency. 协助培训员工确保他们具备相关必要的服务技能,高效率的完成任务

Conductsassociates’ yearly performance appraisals. 对员工进行年度工作评估。

Assistsin the building of an efficient team of associates by taking an active interestin their welfare, safety and development. 关心员工的福利,安全以及发展,协助构建一个扎实肯干的团队。


Effectivelymanage the bar by ensuring the following: 确保有效的管理酒吧, 如下:

Oversee the Implementation of standards asdetailed in the departmental standards and procedures manual 全面检查执行标准的细节是否按照部门标准和规章制度

Adhere to opening and closing procedures 坚持执行开餐及结束营业工作程序

Adhere to bill paying procedures 坚持执行收银买单程序

Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring allstaff are aware of VIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on upselling certain products; etc执行有效的不同班次开例会,以确保所有员工都知道有关VIP的情况,特殊的活动, 每日需注意的事项以及需重点推销的产品。

Personally meet and farewell a minimum of 80% ofyour customers亲自迎接并护送至少80%的客人

Encourage and motivate staff to provide optimumservice during all shifts 鼓励并激发所有班次的员工为客人提供最佳服务 。

Ensuresthat the outlet is managed efficiently according to the established conceptstatements. 根据已经建立的理念有效的管理该部门

Ensuresthat SPPS and Basic standards are adhered to in order to achieve the level ofservice established in the Departmental Operations Manual. 保证SPPS的执行以及基础标准都能够贯彻, 以达到部门营运手册中建立的服务标准。

Assignsresponsibilities to subordinates and to check their performance periodically. 定期给下属分配任务并检查他们的完成情况。

Ensuresthat guest history data are kept up‑to‑date. 确保客户的历史信息及时更新。

Takes ahand on approach in the operation of his/her outlet. 亲自手把手领导该部门的营运。

Establishesand strictly adhere to the par stocks for all operating equipment and suppliesand to ensure that the outlet is adequately equipped. 建立并严格管理所有营运设备以及供给的储备,以保证部门资源的充分利用。

Conductsmonthly inventory checks on all equipment and supplies. 指导每月的设备和物品的盘点。

Controlsthe requisitioning, storage and careful use of all operating equipment andsupplies. 控制申领和储备以及细心管理所有的设备和资源。

Conductsdaily roll-calls to associates on preparation, service and menu. 执行每日相关登记情况:餐前准备,服务和菜单

Liaiseswith the Kitchen and other supporting departments on daily operation andquality. 与厨房以及其它相关部门就每日营业与食品质量方面保持联系。

Handlesall guest complaints, requests and inquires on food, beverage and service. 及时处理所有的有关食品,酒水和服务相关的客户投诉,咨询以及要求

Establishesa rapport with guests maintaining good relationships. 与客户建立保持良好的关系。

Revisesand update the outlet Departmental Operations Manual annually 每年修订并更新部门的营运手册。

Maintains theDaily Log Book. 维护每日的记事本。

 Submits toFood & Beverage Office the following: 给予餐饮部提交以下文件

-         Weekly Schedule每周日程计划

-         Daily Log Book每日酒吧报表

-         Monthly Outlet Report每月部门报告

-         Holiday Critique假期审批

-         Monthly P&L Statement每月收入报表

-         Monthly Training Plan每月培训计划

Plans theoutlet weekly roster and work schedules to ensure that the outlet is adequatelystaffed to handle the level of business. 计划每周的部门人员班次和工作分配表格以保证部门人员在营业中能够被有效分配。

 Maintains theoutlet bulletin board. 及时更新维护部门的公告板。

Submits allguest/associate incident reports. 提交所有的客人与相关事件报告。

Reports “lossand found” items. 对丢失或已找到的物品作汇报。

Attendsmonthly Food and Beverage Meeting and Daily Operations Meeting. 参加每月餐饮会议以及每日的营运会议。

Ensures thatthe outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the backof house. 确保整个部门有序和干净,而且保持后台和前台一样干净

Liaises andorganize with Housekeeping Department that the established cleaning schedulesare strictly adhered to. 联系并组织酒店房务部严格的执行清洁日程计划。

Issues repairand maintenance job orders to ensure the proper maintenance of the outlet. 组织部门维修和保养以保证部门的正常运转。

Reports forduty punctually wearing the correct uniform and name badge at all time 适时穿着正确的工装并时刻佩戴名牌。

Providescourteous and professional service at all time. 时刻提供礼貌和专业的服务。

Maintains agood working relationship with own colleagues and all other departments. 和部门所有员工以及其它部门保持良好的关系。

Maintains ahigh standard of personal appearance and hygiene at all times. 时刻保持自己的高水准的外表以及个人卫生

Conductsmonthly associate meetings. 参与每月的沟通会

Attends allmeetings as required by Executive Management. 参与行政管理层要求参加的会议。

Supervisesthe associates within the department, ensuring that the correct standard andmethods of service is maintained, as stated in the Departmental OperationsManual. 按照部门营运手册要求部门内部对员工的服务技能按照正确程序方法进行指导, 以确保服务质量的统一。

Carries outquarterly, bi-yearly, yearly inventory of operating equipment. 对餐厅设备进行季度,半季度和年度的财产盘点

Ensures thatall associates report for duty punctually wearing the correct uniform and namebadge at all times. 保证所有的员工在上班时穿着合适的工装并配戴名牌。

Ensures thatall associates provide courteous and professional service at all times. 确保员工们时刻都能够提供礼貌专业的服务。

Ensures thatall associates have a complete understanding of and adhere to the Hotel’s Rulesand Regulations. 确保所有的员工对酒店的规定和制度有着完整的理解并严格执行。

Carries outany other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 按分配执行合理的任务并履行相关职责。

Sharesrecommendations and guest comments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager toreflect current customer profile 将客人的反馈与主厨和餐饮部经理分享, 反省目前消费者的情况。

Managesspecial event concepts具备管理特殊事件的理念。

Anticipatesmarket changes and review operations when necessary 能预测市场变化并在需要的情况下回顾之前的操作。

Conductscompetitor analysis对竞争者进行分析。

Createspositive publicity opportunities 创造积极的公开的机会。

Forecasting  预见性

Stock control库存控制


Ensures thatall associates have a complete understanding of and adhere to the Hotel’sPolicies relating to Fire, Hygiene and Safety. 确保员工对酒店的防火,卫生以及安全制度有着深刻的理解并严格执行。

100% adhere toFSMS policy; ensure food safety and hygiene policy. 确保所严格执行食品安全卫生的标准。

Ensure BestPractice is complied in the outlet. 确保最佳节能方案在餐厅的执行。

Recycles whereverpossible 再进行循环利用资源。

Ensure staffsparticipate in hotel activities concerning responsible business. 确保员工参与酒店发起的企业责任的各项活动。

Implement other tasks assigned by superiors.


目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
       北京三里屯通盈中心洲际®酒店于2016年8月1日荣耀揭幕。这是通盈集团与IHG洲际酒店集团首次联袂打造的高端奢华酒店,亦是洲际酒店集团70周年诚意奉上的倾心钜作。”       古都北京既有千年历史遗韵,又兼具摩登都市气息。落座城市动感独具的朝阳区三里屯核心区 - 南三里屯路1号的北京三里屯通盈中心洲际®酒店,雄踞繁华交通黄金交汇处,屹立错落有致的楼宇之间。与使馆区毗邻而居、与三里屯信步之遥、与CBD中央商务区交相辉映、与北京首都国际机场便捷直达。得天独厚的地理位置定会让商务精英与时尚旅者的出行动静随心,尽在掌握。       夺目抢眼的建筑外观凸显设计的设计匠心独运,如同从天然粗矿的矿物原石中慢慢提炼出单质晶体 - 钻石般熠熠生辉。北京三里屯通盈中心洲际®酒店的设计亦是将钻石这一元素贯穿设计始终,并采用其不同的形态装饰区位,从平面布局到立面细节一脉相承,自然而然的完成各空间的完美过渡。金属质感的黄铜格栅用基本的形态构筑整体空间的属性,精致优雅又不失时尚前卫,尤若琴弦般,在轻拨妙弹间为酒店各处注入序列平衡的灵动韵律。       299间精致舒适的客房与套房,宽敞的空间布局在京城国际奢华酒店中首屈一指。整体色调沉稳柔美,搭配深蓝、深棕色系,营造宾至如归的视觉享受。每间客房均配有步入式衣帽间, 舒适与私密兼顾。房间智能控制系统让宾客尽享高科技便捷,NESPRESSO咖啡机快速提神赶走一天的疲惫。在格调华美精致的洲际景观房,宾客得以在前所未有的角度和方位享受无可比拟的三里屯景观。点缀其间的灯饰晶莹剔透,弧线形态为空间注入一丝灵气,光影之间赋予整体空间满满的情怀与温度。       作为京城中央宴会及会议的首选场所,北京三里屯通盈中心洲际®酒店提供超过1,500平方米的宴会空间,包含面积达800平米的大宴会厅及8间多功能厅,以满足不同的会议需求。秉承洲际酒店品牌的传统,酒店引入行家会议体验概念,从创意会场、特邀嘉宾、造福社区、精彩互动、别致茶歇五大方面打造成功会议,为每场活动量身定制设计方案,确保达成预期并为参会者留下难忘回忆。       酒店内设有多间风格各异的餐厅与酒吧,凭借富于创意的烹饪团队、多元化的餐饮理念、为宾客呈现令人喜出望外的味觉体验。米其林与黑珍珠双誉的“恰牛扒房”,呈现顶级牛排体验;“盈中餐”演绎经典粤菜、“尊庭”臻启奢华皇家下午茶、“恬蜜”提供一系列美妙味道的简餐、甜点与饮品体验。“热点西班牙”奉上西班牙缤纷小食与招牌海鲜饭,与之相邻的“热点吧”主打单一麦芽威士忌与啤酒——宾客们在此醉心饕餮,亦或把酒言欢,皆可感受夜幕低垂下三里屯流光溢彩、灯火阑珊的别致韵味。